Our Team

You know how a lot of agencies feed you crap about how they are a ‘family’? Well, we actually are.

You see, Yuri, who leads Pink Dog studio’s industrial and interior design team is the brother of Cata, who runs our film and motion team. And Cata is the partner of Nick who leads the graphic design team.

Now if that doesn’t give us the right to call ourselves family, what does?

This tight little trio are the beating heart and soul of Pink Dog.

Which brings us, rather neatly, to our next point. Why are we called Pink Dog?

Well, let us ask you a question in turn. Have you ever seen a pink dog? You haven’t right? Nobody has.

And that, right there, is how we landed on the name. Because just like you’ve never seen a pink dog before, you’ve never seen an agency like us before, either.

An agency that creates memorable brands by connecting the worlds of in-store and online to give consumers a consistent and rewarding brand experience at every touchpoint. That’s us.

Meet the pack

Yuri Trechswjakow

Founder & MD
Interior and Architecture

Cata Trechswjakow

Founder &
Creative Director

Nick Akkanen

MD & Design Lead

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